Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do You Hate Correction?

There are some within this world who hate any type of correction. It could be a student in class making light of that which his teacher has said. It could be the child screaming to his parent, “Get off my case! You can’t tell me what to do!” Sometimes, it’s even the person sitting in the pulpit, hearing God’s Word preached, “I don’t care what that preacher says. I’m not changing.” Sometimes it is hard to receive correction but it is for our own good. Solomon wrote, “He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.” (Proverbs 15:32). If there is anyone who refuses to listen to godly correction, that person hates his own body! Godly correction is given for the protection of our own bodies. Think about that for one moment. There are some sins which are damaging to the body. Furthermore, these sins are damaging to the soul and WILL keep one from an eternal abode in Heaven. If a man refuses to listen to godly admonition against these things, it can be said that he hates his own soul. On the other hand, if a person is willing to listen to God’s Word and take in God’s Word, that person gains understanding. You better understand what things to avoid and what things to seek. You are more likely to protect your body from certain harm and yourself eternally. Do you hate receiving godly correction? It’s to the detriment of your own soul.

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