Sunday, September 22, 2013

Thought of the Week: Give Attendance to Reading

How often do we take simple time to read the Bible? “But I don’t have time” is the cry that is usually given at such a question. One finds himself busy with work, school, outside activities, and a host of other things which causes him to have no time for God’s Word. Many do not have time to read but how long does it take to read from Genesis to Revelation? It would take the average reader seventy two hours to read the Bible from beginning to end. One can read the entire Bible without taking a break in roughly three days. Is it that we really do not have time or that we do not make time? How is it that same one who has no time for the Bible has time for the outside activities? He makes time for them. Should not that one be willing to do the same with the most important piece of literature known to man? “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” (1 Tim. 4:13).

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