Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Don't Feed the Trolls

If the reader saw the title and immediately thought of beings that live under bridges, demand tolls to visitors, and are deathly afraid of goats the author would like to apologize. This is not about the mythical creatures but about individuals who love to get your goat. The term troll got its origins from the internet generation. It refers to individuals who, thanks in part to the anonymity of the internet, love to annoy and degrade other human beings. These are the individuals who will ask a question for the sole purpose of trampling all over the answer. Do not simply assume that these individuals do not exist outside of the realm of the biblical. There are many who will do everything to destroy the truth and those who teach it. This could be done over the realm of the internet or in a face to face discussion with an individual. How does one deal with those who would act in such a manner? Moments such as these are difficult and wisdom is truly put to the test but the Bible gives a good answer to such situations.

The Proverbs writer gives a good answer in dealing with these individuals. “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” (Prov. 26:4-5). One may read this and ask, “How does this make sense? I am supposed to answer but not answer a fool?” Think of it in this manner. If an individual responds to the gospel by cursing and screaming how does one respond back? Does the Christian employ the same reaction? Certainly not. What if the response is boasting on one’s part? Hatred? Railings against the Christian? Does the Christian respond in like manner? God forbid the Christian act in the same manner. What happens if one does? He has lowered himself to the level of the fool and will be considered as such by those around him. That does not mean we let the false doctrine go unanswered. The answer is to be given with a healthy dose of love, truth, and self-control. Always remember to present the truth with love.

Sadly, there are times when the best response is no response at all. This is especially true when one proves to be such a problem that dealing with them would end up being like “casting pearls before swine” (Matt. 7:6). Paul also told Timothy, “But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.” (2 Tim. 2:23).

Sometimes the question that is asked is so foolish it does not warrant a response. What about the one who does not know the truth but is open to it? Do not ignore the false doctrine and kindly teach them the truth. He may not accept what is presented before him but his doctrine has been exposed and the truth presented. Therefore, he is not allowed to be “wise in his own conceit.”

How would one sum up the following in internet lingo? Do not feed the trolls. There are going to be individuals who simply will try to waste your time, try to bring you down to their level, and will work to destroy the gospel and the messenger. Sometimes the best method is to not “feed” these individuals by losing one’s cool and eventually, not wasting time which could be given to those who are earnestly seeking the truth.

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