Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Adding Fuel to the Fire

This author can remember back to a time when he was in high school. He can remember back to many things in which he was involved such as competitions, clubs, and fights. The first two are things of which we normally speak but not the last. No, this author is not claiming to be a high school pugilist although he was involved in one or two. This author preferred to be in the audience rather than part of the show. Thinking back to those times in the audience, he can remember what really sparked those fights. It usually was not the two who throwing punches but those who stood nearby. In fact, students who disliked each other usually kept a safe distance just in case. Instead, those who had a hankering for strife would start rumors which added fuel to the fire. “Did you hear what so and so said about you? I would not take that!” If it were not for statements such as these, the fights would not have begun.

The Proverbs writer “Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth” (Prov. 26:20). What is it that helps a fire as it does? The three basic elements needed are oxygen, heat, and fuel. If you want a large fire you need the first two and a lot of fuel. What happens if you stop adding fuel to a fire? It slowly dwindles away before it burns out. The same applies in the instance in many of the heated moments of life. Remove those who thrive on drama and strife will slowly dwindle away before it burns out. In fact, it would be best to remove those things which cause stress in our lives.

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